Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mystery Money

This has happened to me a couple times in the past few months. I've set my budget, predicted what amount my paychecks will be, have it set in my mind what is coming in and going out. Then I get up in the morning, log on to the bank's website, and look up my account balance, only to find that there is more money in there than expected. Click on the account to see the transaction history, and notice there has been a deposit made that I had no idea of. This morning it was $25 from Zions Bank Payroll. Odd, seeing as how payday isn't for another week, and I have no idea what the $25 is for. Its a good thing too, as my mom paid for me to get my nails done a few weeks ago, and I am now needing a fill, and its going to cost exactly $25.

Last time this happened, I woke up to see an extra $2000 in my account. I was shocked. On the transaction history it said it was from ORS, and it was a child support payment, I called ORS to make sure that they hadn't made any mistakes, and found out that it was a back child support payment that they had collected a couple months ago that they were finally able to release. It was definitely a blessing as I was able to get caught up on bills, and put some money aside into savings.


le35 said...

It's like finding an extra $20 bill in my jeans pocket from two months ago. Money that I truly wonder where it went, and then, Whamo! I love mystery money!

Robert said...

Hmm, maybe THAT'S where my mystery withdrawals go... just kidding. Always nice to have a little extra land in your lap. Last month we decided to do something to help a man dying of cancer (whose wife recently suffered a stroke) and the good karma returns have definitely come. I'm hoping that positivity carries all the way into next year.