Monday, February 2, 2009

February Budget

oops skipped January. Oh well. Pick up and dust off.


Income: 1200

Tithing 120
Savings 60
Rent 277
Electric 66
Gas 65
Phone/Internet 83
Cell 60
Groceries 140
Fuel 20
Envelopes 180 (recreation, personal, medical)

Paid $199 on debts this month on top of paying off one of my student loans completely.

Also spent money on a few toys. Building a computer again, also bought a really really nice camera.

I have been making a little bit of money on the side repairing computers. I have an account at another bank that I put that money in. Its harder to access since I don't have any checks or a debit card for that account.


Robert said...

Soon enough, our budget will look a lot like that. We're planning to live the next few months as though it already is and see how well we do. It gives us a little room for error and a chance to save up a lot before we leave.

Our rent is already paid, but our utilities might be a little more. Our phone/internet is less, but our groceries are probably a lot more, and our fuel is probably more. Still, if you can live on a budget like that with a family of four, then we can come close with a family of five.

Question: do you budget monthly for your insurance (car) or just plan to pay that bill in the month it comes? If you're budgeting monthly, are you taking it out of the savings when it comes time to pay? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

We budget for car insurance, but our bill comes monthly. Even if it doesn't come monthly, you should still budget for it monthly so you don't get "surprised" when the bill does come. Maybe set aside money each month in a separate insurance envelope, and then when the bill comes, deposit the cash in your account and write a check off it to pay the bill.

Don't try to cut corners...a solid written game plan is how you win.

Cool blog Crisanja, I added you to my Google Reader list. Look forward to your future posts and progress towards Financial Peace.

Crisanja said...

My car insurance is $200 every six months. Prorated to 50 a month, for 4 months. I've been lucky enough, often enough to have the money when its due to pay it in full for the 6 month term, and then I don't have to worry about it for the next 6 months.

Robert, its actually not hard, this is actually a bit more income than I am used to. This last month I was able to get a month ahead on my bills. So for the first time, this month, I was able to pay every single bill, get my cash envelopes filled, etc, on the first. Also the cost of living here is a bit lower than in other parts of the country as you know. A lot of benefits aren't even monetary.

Christoper, welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment. I'm getting close to being debt free, it seems every few months its once step closer.

Anonymous said...

Wish I was close to being debt free. We still have about $73k left to go. Then the house.